REU 2011
REU Final Presentations 2011
Wednesday, August 10
09:20 AM: Opening
09:30 AM: "Network Ideas and Galaxy Clustering" Tim McKay (University of Michigan)
10:10 AM: "Time Resolved Photoluminescence of Quantum Dots" Garrett Rodriguez (Alma College)
10:30 AM: "Diffuse Light and Crowded Fields: BCG Photometry with Galfit" Corbin Taylor (University of Toledo)
10:50 AM: BREAK
11:00 AM: "Cholesterol in the Struggle Between Light and Dark Phase: Lipid Dynamics in Plasma Membranes" Amandine Lee (Swarthmore College)
11:20 AM: "The Effect and Functioning of General Alcohol Anesthetics" Elly Gray (University of Michigan)
11:40 AM: "Mapping the Hyperfine Transition of Neutral Hydrogen in the Milky Way Galaxy" Matt Hankins (University of Central Arkansas)
12:00 PM: LUNCH
01:00 PM: "PreCam Survey Image Analysis" Laura Maki (Winona State University)
01:20 PM: "Fighting Alzheimer's: Fluorescent Indicators and Cell Perforation" Taylor Allen (Western Carolina University)
01:40 PM: BREAK
01:50 PM: "The Cosmic Microwave Background: An Adventure in Instrumentation" Wayne Oswald (Bowling Green State University)
02:10 PM: "Investigations into Phase Separated Lipid Bilayer Dynamics and Transitions Using STORM" Jason Karslake (University of Michigan)
Thursday, August 11
09:30 AM: "Lipid Rafts Reach a Critical Point" Sarah Veatch (University of Michigan)
10:10 AM: "Crystals, X-Ray Beams and the Search for the CTPS-GTP Active Site" Maya Lewin-Berlin (Smith College)
10:30 AM: "Flux Measurement and Laser Building" Kevin Hu (Bard College at Simon's Rock)
10:50 AM: BREAK
11:00 AM: "Microfluidic Patch Clamp Technique for Measuring Cell Membrane Disruption" Elizabeth Gichana (Radford University)
11:20 AM: "Photoluminescence of InGaN Quantum Dots" Meryl Spencer (Grinell College)
11:40 AM: "Thermodynamic and Kinetic Characterization of the Folding Mechanisms of the CheY Circular Permutants" Tyler Ogden (Hampshire College)
12:00 PM: "A Structural Study of CpA, ApC using NMR Chemical Shifts" Regina O'Brien (Hope College)
12:20 PM: LUNCH
01:00 PM: "Extrasolar Planet Collisions and the Effects on the Structure of Hot Jupiters" Kassandra Anderson (University of Michigan)
01:20 PM: "The Search for FCNC" Ann Kathryn Rockwell (University of Alabama)
01:40 PM: "The Automated Detection and Classification of Variable Stars" Nikola Whallon (University of Michigan)
02:00 PM: BREAK
02:10 PM: "Time of Flight Techniques for Neutron Measurement" Louis Baum (University of Rochester)
02:30 PM: "Transient Detection and Verification with ROTSE-III" Stasi Romadan and Brett Sandler (University of Michigan)